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Wednesday Roundup: Our Favorite Reads This Week

By Elyse Desmarais on September 9, 2015

Wednesday Roundup

Here’s the roundup of our favorite survey and research related posts for the week of September 7, 2015. Enjoy!

SBI: The 5 Keys To Market Research That Most Companies Miss

"A common reason companies struggle to hit their numbers is misalignment. In our 2016 report, we uncovered that when strategies operate in isolation, performance suffers. Strategic alignment, however, starts with market research. Market research feeds down from the top of the revenue growth chain. But it must feed down in this order to be effective…" Read more…

Nielsen: E-Commerce Is Opening Doors Of Opportunity For Brands and Consumers In China

"You’d have to be living with blinders on to see the impact that technology is having on consumer behavior in today’s world. But despite the myriad ways digital is shaping tomorrow’s landscape, it’s impossible to overstate the growing significance of e-commerce, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. There, as many as 37% of consumers shop online, well above the global average of 25%. The real pacesetter in the market, however, is China, where more than 46% of consumers are actively making purchases via the web." Read more…

Journalist’s Resource: Migration Patterns: Are More People Immigrating?

"Record numbers of migrants have flooded Europe in 2015 as hundreds of thousands of people seek refuge from war, poverty, political persecution and instability in their home countries. It is a crisis situation that is forcing European countries to consider immigration reforms to accommodate the “human tsunami” of people fleeing Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Nearly 340,000 migrants entered Europe between January and July 2015 – up from 123,500 during the same time period in 2014, according to Frontex, the European Union’s external border force. Government officials in Germany predict that the number of asylum-seekers and refugees to their country will quadruple in 2015 to 800,000." Read more…

"Want to get in shape? As it turns out, there’s not exactly an app for that — at least, not one that scientists are ready to fully endorse. As per a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Florida, effectively none of the top 30 most popular exercise apps available on your iPhone are actually satisfactory when it comes to meeting the guidelines set by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and that’s not inspiring much confidence among either experts or users. When scored against a system where the perfect rating is a 14, only one app, Sworkit Lite Personal Workout, even came close with a score of 9.01. Its nearest competitor, 7 Minute Workout, only garnered 5.39 points." Read more…


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